My Apsáalooke (Crow Tribe of Montana) heritage is a gift, a blessing. Family is how I connected to and learned my Apsáalooke culture. However, my immediate family did not live directly on the Crow Reservation — this dislocation defined my identity as an urban Indian. My artwork has been inspired by my Apsáalooke roots. My Kaale’ taught me to love and be curious about my Apsáalooke culture, which has driven me to paint and champion American Indian peoples.
My Apsáalooke (Crow Tribe of Montana) heritage is a gift, a blessing. Family is how I connected to and learned my Apsáalooke culture. However, my immediate family did not live directly on the Crow Reservation — this dislocation defined my identity as an urban Indian. My artwork has been inspired by my Apsáalooke roots. My Kaale’ taught me to love and be curious about my Apsáalooke culture, which has driven me to paint and champion American Indian peoples.