Wicahpi Olowan Music Program
Wicahpi Olowan (WO) Music Program based in Kyle, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Reservation, is a vibrant initiative that supports Indigenous artists. Through free workshops, concerts, jam sessions, and more, aspiring and existing musicians, singers, songwriters, and producers can thrive. Activities span diverse genres like hip-hop, rock, folk, and traditional Oglala Lakota music. The heart of it all is Oglala Lakota Artspace (OLA), an innovative art space fostering creativity and cultural preservation on the reservation. Join us in celebrating and uplifting Indigenous talent at WO Music Program!
Wicahpi Olowan Visiting Artist Program
The Wicahpo Olowan Visiting Artist Program (VAP) is for artists seeking to create work in the Wicahpi Olowan recording studio.
- Artists of the Visiting Artist Program (VAP) do not stay at the Lakota Cabins
- There is a monthly stipend of $1,000.00
- The designated length of time for the VAP is six months.
- Monthly check-ins are required with the Program Manager
- Upon completion of the program the Artist will assist with feedback for reporting and evaluation purposes
- Artist agrees to engage in NAPD (Native Artist Professional Development) in the future
- Artist will perform at the Oglala Lakota Artspace Solstice or Equinox event.
MARCH 10, 2025 | 12:00AM MT - APRIL 4, 2025 | 11:59PM MT
- Increase community access to resources (Cultural knowledge, Networks, Creative spaces)
- Deepened cultural identity and community cohesion
- Bring together an intergenerational audience
- Strengthen the connection to cultural homelands and culture
Residency Duration & Dates
- We will have a total of 20 weeks of residency during the 2024 season, and the number of artists will vary depending on their length of stay, ranging from four (4) to ten (10). All artists will be enrolled in Oglala Lakota.
- Duration: 2 - 6 weeks.
- Selected artist will work with Oglala Lakota Artspace to finalize residency dates based on desired times and availability in the months of 2024
- The artist must be comfortable working in a semi-open studio where the public can interact with the artist during public hours and work in an engaging environment.
Disciplines and Materials
- Culture Bearers and artists of all visual, literary, music, performance, or media arts disciplines may apply
- Artists working in most media will be considered
- Artists working with toxic materials, hazardous machinery, etc., will not be considered due to limitations within the building.
Opportunities for Support
We are happy to assist applicants. OLA will host support webinars and offer opportunities to connect with staff throughout the application season to ask questions, receive technical support, and receive coaching.
MARCH 18, 2024 | 12:00AM MT - APRIL, 8 2024 | 11:59PM MT
- Must be at least 18 years of age.
- Must be an enrolled member or provide proof of lineal descendency of the Oglala Lakota Tribe.
- Applicants may be emerging or established culture bearers and/or artists.
- Current studio artist tenants are not eligible to apply.
- Must have submitted a Final Report for any previously awarded FPF fellowship, grants, or support.
Applicants Must Provide
- Proof of tribal affiliation
- Project Proposal
- Chosen dates for residency (1st & 2nd choice)
- Examples of work (max 10)
- Two letters of reference
- Resume, Bio
Wicahpi Olowan Compilation Album, Volume I
First Peoples Fund’s Wicahpi Olowan Music Program and Studio is thrilled to announce the release of the inaugural Wicahpi Olowan Compilation Album, Volume I. This groundbreaking project, produced entirely by an all-Native staff and featuring all-Native musical artists from various genres, marks the first anniversary of the official opening of FPF’s Oglala Lakota Artspace and the Wicahpi Olowan Music Studio. Support this album by sharing and listening today!