Aveda is a member of the Diné Tribe, born into Kiyaa'áanii, the Towering House clan and the Díbéłzhíní, Black Sheep Clan.
Aveda is a performance artist, DJ, Vlogger, Podcaster (Two-Spirit Podcast), her recent performances include: Cell Lust performed at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, DJing for the International Drag Festival and public speaker at the La Raza for Liberation. Her previous mediums of art have been featured at Jomar Visions, Shape of Things Gallery. She has worked with Dinolion productions for social media marketing campaigns and music videos.
Aveda is a member of the Diné Tribe, born into Kiyaa'áanii, the Towering House clan and the Díbéłzhíní, Black Sheep Clan.
Aveda is a performance artist, DJ, Vlogger, Podcaster (Two-Spirit Podcast), her recent performances include: Cell Lust performed at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, DJing for the International Drag Festival and public speaker at the La Raza for Liberation. Her previous mediums of art have been featured at Jomar Visions, Shape of Things Gallery. She has worked with Dinolion productions for social media marketing campaigns and music videos.