Ruth Waukazo

"Excellence in education is possible only with the full inclusion of the arts. Artistic knowledge and skills are of equal value to the lessons learned in science and mathematics."


Excellence in education is possible only with the full inclusion of the arts. Artistic knowledge and skills are of equal value to the lessons learned in science and mathematics. The ability to communicate through a variety of means, the development of teamwork, using creative approaches to problem solving, and using an imagination are just some competencies learned in art. According to Anishinaabe culture, art and life are not separate, but one in the same thing.

“Ruth strives to establish the integrity of our traditional art and is working to promote art to support economic needs. In this way artist may become self-sufficient and move towards contributing our community's economic stability. As she recovers and raises the standards of traditional art being created, she helps to build pride in Anishinaabe art.” – Robin Carter, Nominator

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