Marietta King

"I advise students and youth of today to go after their dreams, their desires and cultivate their talent(s) regardless of their situation or circumstance."


I advise students and youth of today to go after their dreams, their desires and cultivate their talent(s) regardless of their situation or circumstance. In this way, they may really learn to live more fully as a Blackfeet person and soul/spiritual being fulfilling their purpose on earth.

“Blackfeet belief has it that if a spiritual being is painted, drawn or what have you, then it attracts that spiritual being in that place. Because of Mari’s character and personality, her paintings that bring to life visionary beings are a blessing wherever they may be displayed. If the purpose of life for all of us is one of loving and sharing, support and service, then Mari’s purpose is seen in her contributions to the Blackfeet Nation and Native America.” - Wilbert J. Fish Sr., Nominator

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