Corine Pearce

Redwood Valley Rancheria Little River Band of Pomo Indians
"I weave to connect future generations to a living cultural identity and to remind them that they will also face struggles and triumphs. We are reclaiming our culture through our basketry."


As a member of the Redwood Valley Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians, Corine Pearce has taught her people’s traditional basket weaving techniques for over 20 years. She has passed on the importance of specific plants and materials that cannot be simply purchased but must be gathered from the environment. Pearce tends local plants like willow, cattails, redbud and dogwood to create baskets, sometimes planning 15 years in advance to make sure she has the proper supplies.

“I weave to connect future generations to a living cultural identity and to remind them that they will also face struggles and triumphs. We are reclaiming our culture through our basketry.” - Corine Pearce

Corine’s older sister, Jacqueline Graumann (Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians), nominated Corine for the CSA.

“Corine feels it is her duty to volunteer as much time as it takes to ensure that the Pomo basket weaving tradition does not die.” - Jacqueline Graumann

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