In addition to navigating a career in tribal healthcare and serving as Vice Chairperson for the Cloverdale Rancheria for 20 years, Silver has been weaving Pomo basketry for 35 years. In the last decade they have become more aware of a vast number of techniques that Pomo weavers traditionally used, some of which have become “lost.”
As Silver has undertaken more extensive research and replication, he is discovering the true extensive depth of weaving that his ancestors mastered, especially the fine twining techniques used for fishing traps, bird snares, and making cordage for fishing nets and regalia. In addition to weaving, he loves to sing and create regalia. Silver continues to teach Pomo styles and techniques of weaving to members of his and other Pomo communities, and to keep learning and revitalizing traditional methods in order to recreate baskets that haven’t been made in many decades for contemporary use.
In Silver’s own words: “I'm huge on tradition and culture, I believe that reviving our traditional ways is not only going to strengthen our People but also make our ancestors proud in the process.”