Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie

"I look at photography as a way to influence native thought."


Even though photography is not a “traditional” art form such as basketmaking, pottery, weaving etc. I use photography in a way they expresses the continuance of aboriginal life. I look at photography as a way to influence native thought. Not just the positive imagery to encourage pride but complex imagery to address the intricate structures of community, imagery that questions the use of photography as documentation, documenting ourselves as we see ourselves.

“So often there are internal politics in the Indian community, lack of funding or other barriers that might be insurmountable for others; not Hulleah. Over the years I have seen her unwavering clarity of self-understanding of her strengths and her clear-sighted focus on the many ways she can and has contributed to the community. She has been a creative powerhouse in our community. “ – Susan Lobo, Nominator

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