Darrell Norman

"As art is an integrated part of our lives as Blackfeet, I immerse myself in all aspects of it: Dancing, singing, ceremony, storytelling and visual arts. All of these things help me express myself in the arts."


My art reflects the beauty and tradition of my (Blackfeet) Pikuni heritage. I not only work in traditional materials and do traditional items, but I also do contemporary works in nontraditional materials based on Blackfeet designs and imagery. As art is an integrated part of our lives as Blackfeet, I immerse myself in all aspects of it: Dancing, singing, ceremony, storytelling and visual arts. All of these things help me express myself in the arts. To me this is all carrying on traditions, which should be shared and passed on to upcoming generations. It is preserving our culture and our nation. I do this through teaching both children and adults as well as representing artists in my gallery and hosting an international clientele at my tipi camp.

In partnership with First peoples Fund, Darrell was able to renovate his existing studio space and improve the outdoor area surrounding his gallery by putting up new signs and a fence, improving the tipi camp experience.

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collective spirit podcast episode