Online Wicaglata Circles with Tiana Spotted Thunder

Online Wicaglata Circles with Tiana Spotted Thunder

Tiana Spotted Thunder
Oglala Lakota

7:00pm - 8:00pm


From 7-8pm, attendees of the online Wicaglata Circle via Zoom are able to connect with Tiana, ask her questions, and listen/learn as she gives various lessons and stories about various Lakota songs that Wicaglata/Women singers would sing in ceremony/prayer, social occassions, and every day life.

Tiana Spotted Thunder is a Lakota recording artist from Oglala, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The Wicaglata Learning Circle offers a safe space for winyan relatives interested in learning to sing or would like a space to practice singing. Attendees in this women-only circle will get to learn about Wicaglata protocol, societal importance and more!