about the report
Our newest report Brightening the Spotlight — led by First Peoples Fund in partnership with researchers from NORC at the University of Chicago, and funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation — shares key findings and lessons from extensive interviews with a diverse set of Native creators. This in-depth report is based on interviews with 46 Native creators and experts across various creative art forms, geographic locations, tribal affiliations, and years of experience.

Key findings
Current funding and presenting opportunities do not meet the needs of many Native creators.
Native creators want and deserve to work with partners who treat them as professionals and who trust in their creative decision-making.
Over half of interviewees recommend that more Natives and culturally knowledgeable non-Natives be involved in funding decisions.
Native creators do more than perform. Native creators play a wide range of roles in their communities, keeping traditions alive, promoting health and economic opportunities and educating non-Native audiences.
Brightening the Spotlight qualitively recognizes what many Indigenous-led organizations have known through the years. We hope this study will usher in meaningful conversations and changes to grantmaking practices that better support and uplift Native creators and Indigenous arts and culture.